How to Improve Your Website Speed and Performance with WP Rocket
In a piece titled Top Website Statistics For 2024, Forbes revealed that 47% of users won’t wait longer than two seconds for a website to load. Think about it: you have, at most, two seconds to get your audience’s attention, or they will click off your site. In fact, in the same article, it was revealed that users form an opinion about a website in just 0.05 seconds. The writing on the wall is clear: website speed is very important. And it affects everything. From web traffic to retention to conversion; everything depends on speed. It’s also a factor that may be affecting your site’s SEO ranking. There’s no point…
How to Create and Submit Your Sitemap to Google: A Step-By-Step Guide
Google recently rolled out its August 2024 Core Update. And it’s driving everyone crazy. People (and this includes the place I work at) have been seeing a significant increase in their traffic. A lot of people have also seen their traffic go down (running theory is that this is a crackdown against AI-generated content and we all know how I feel about that). And I am happy to report that I’m one of the “small, independent” websites Google wanted to promote in this update. Check this out: Side note: I’ve seen a similar hike around this time at work too. Now, I haven’t done anything. This traffic has come out…
SEO 101: What is an SEO Site Audit? A Guide for Newbies
I feel like we’re on a roll when it comes to SEO articles here. What can I say? SEO’s important, especially now. I’ve already written a blog on developing an SEO strategy, a sort of beginner’s guide to SEO and I’ve also created a list of free SEO tools, and courses you can take. One of the first things you’re going to do as a blogger is audit your site. Performing an SEO site audit is really important. It ensures that your website’s optimised for search engines. As I’ve mentioned multiple times, audits are a critical part of any SEO strategy. They help to identify where your site may have…
How to Develop a Successful SEO Campaign
Looking for a way to improve your marketing strategy with a brand new SEO campaign? Well, you’re definitely in the right place! In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business to grow and succeed. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key component of digital marketing, allowing you to improve your website’s visibility. Want to get on that coveted first page of Google? Or Bing? Or any search engine that’s popular in your region? A successful SEO campaign will help you do that. One of the critical factors in achieving long-term success is to know exactly how to effectively develop and run SEO campaigns. Developing…
SEO Courses and Resources for Writers and Marketers
Are you interested in taking SEO courses but don’t know where to get started? Don’t worry – that’s how most of us start out! In my very first blog post about SEO, I briefly addressed some of its key components, and how each of these are super important for the ranking of your website or blog. Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to intern at one of Turkey’s top SEO agencies. And yes, I spent the summer interning even though I’m working full-time because remote is the way forward and I could show up after working hours. I know, I have weird interests. But it’s actually because I’ve been tracking…
Here’s A List of Free SEO Tools for Beginners
There’s no doubt that the best way to attract an audience to your blog or website is by ranking on Google and other search engines. But how do you do that? How do you optimize your blog posts and web pages so that they rank on Google? Well, there are a number of free SEO tools available online that can definitely help. However, with so many free SEO tools out there, it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for. To make things easier for you, especially if you’re just beginning to delve into the SEO game, I’ve created a list of the best free SEO tools for beginners…
The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to SEO
SEO. You’ve probably heard it thrown around quite often. It’s actually a bit of a buzzword for ranking content these days. Everyone talks about it. From bloggers to self-titled “SEO gurus,” if you’re into content creation, you know that SEO and SEO tools are the way to go. And there’s no doubt about it. The right SEO practices guarantee that your website will be ranked on Google and other search engines. But how do you do that? How do you optimize your blog posts and web pages for search engines? What is SEO? SEO is like magic. The very first thing to do is to understand what SEO truly is.…